Lençois Maranhenses: a true Paradise

The Lençois Maranhenses area, in the northeastern state of Maranhao, looks like paintings brought to life.

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Brazil has no shortage of options for travelers seeking nature, beaches, and beautiful views. One such incredible place is the Lençois Maranhenses area in the northeastern state of Maranhao. The place looks like paintings brought to life.

Officially, this area is a national park, the Lençois Maranhenses National Park, created in 1981. We are talking about 156 thousand acres of dunes, rivers and an incredible scenery. In between the dunes there are lagoons formed by the rain that falls on the area in the first half of the year.

The Park has white sand dunes that are 50 meters high and lagoons with crystal-clear waters. Its warm waters have shades that vary between blue and green, and contrast with the whiteness of the dunes. This is a memorable scenery, especially at the end of the day.

Don't expect luxury resorts. Locals live a simple life and are more about nature than big constructions.

The beautiful lagoons

You can start your trip in Barreirinhas, a small town surrounded by a river, the Preguiças river, where you can find plenty of shops, hotels and restaurants. This is a perfect place to go paddle boarding and kayaking, besides you can also visit the mangrove swamps.

The Bonita Lagoon is a must-go destination. To reach the lagoon, you have to cross the Preguiças River, which separates Barreirinhas from the Lençois Maranhenses National Park. Be sure to observe the fascinating scenery of this river, so full of life, as you prepare for the discovery of a magical place.

The combination of sand and lakes is hypnotizing. The Blue Lagoon is also worth the visit. It is as breathtaking as Bonita. A 35-minute jeep ride takes you to this paradise.

In Barreirinhas, the Mandacaru Lighthouse, also called Preguiças Lighthouse, is another interesting spot. From the top of its 160 steps, you get a beautiful 360-degree view of the area, with the river on one side and the ocean on the other.

Santo Amaro and Atins, other options to reach the paradise

Santo Amaro do Maranhao is more remote but has easy access to the most impressive attractions of Lençois. Nature and sand are all around. Atins, the third option, is a rustic and charming place. Here, you can kiteboard and tour on 4WD vehicles that take the visitors to the lagoons.

Treat yourself to this true Brazilian paradise. Diving in the lagoons, walking on the sand and watching the sunset are experiences you will cherish for the rest of your life.