City of

Nobres Nobres

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Nobres (Noble) – word that can mean magnanimous or sublime – this name was not given by accident. The natural beauty found in the area can make anyone feel simply amazed. Only 120 km from Cuiaba (Mato Grosso`s capital), Nobre is small town, but the ecotourism away from the urban area is magnificent.

In Nobre, you can freshen up in the natural, blue water aquariums with colorful fish, swim in the crystalline water wells found within the rivers, grottos and caves, delight yourself in waterfalls, walk or ride through the woods to see beautiful species of plants and animals, have an adventure with zip-lines, rapids and diving spots and also be allured with the cave paintings of archaeological sites.

One of the must-see places is Recanto Ecológico da Lagoa Azul.(Ecology Resort of the Blue Lagoon). There, you can swim and practice snorkeling in the Aquário Encantado (Charming Aquarium), a place of blue water, white sand and an impressive variety of fish, all hidden in the woodland. Other beautiful places to float around are the rivers Triste and Salobra, with crystal waters full of fish and small rays. To practice scuba diving, you can go to places such as Lagoa Pai João (Pai Joào lagoon), o Poço Dois de Maio (May the 2nd Pool) e a Caverna do Currupira (Curripira cave).

Among the waterfalls, the beautiful Serra Azul is a must-see. You can also go to the Cachoeira do Tombador (Tombador waterfall), to pass the ancient tracks of the troops who used to cross to the Amazon and to Bolivia, and the Cachoeira do Bananal (Bananal waterfall), spanning six kilometres of the land. But if you want more adventure, take a tour through the Duto do Quebó, a stream in a dark grotto full of bats.

At the end of the day, the Lagoa das Araras invites you to the contemplation of maritacas, parrots and macaws that return to their nests at sunset, forming a colorful and beautiful view.

Nobre is a spectacle of nature hidden in the central region of Brazil. A place for adventurers to have the natural beauty take their breath away.

Plane/ airport
The nearest airport to Nobre is Cuiabá, which is located about 234 km away from the city and receives national flights and international, connecting flights.

Road (bus)

From Cuiaba, you can catch a bus to Nobres, which is located about 125 km away from the state capital.
One of the easiest ways to get to know Nobre is by contracting travel agencies in Cuiaba, whom also take responsibility for transfers.

Bus/ Van
Attention!!! Nearly all tours in Nobres must be made by authorized tourist agencies. Even for groups that have their own car, the recommendation is to leave the car at the agency and from there, use the guided transportation, since the highways have no traffic signals.

Nobres City Hall

Discover Mato Grosso

The area code (DDD) for Nobres is 65.

110V and 220V

Municipal Hospital: +55 (65) 3376-2812
Tourist Service Center: + 55 (65) 3376-1809
Department of Tourism: +55 (65) 3376-2009
Nobres City Hall: +55 (65) 3376-4200

Bureau de changes are located in Cuiabá

The climate is tropical and humid.
The wet season occurs between December and March. This is the best period to observe the flora and fauna.
During other months, the dry season, the advantage is that there are not so many mosquitoes.

Take sunscreen and repellent on the tours, but try to use them only after diving so as not to contaminate the water.
To enter Brazil, vaccination against any type of illness is not mandatory. However, vaccination against yellow fever (a disease transmitted by the bite of infected mosquitoes) is recommended before your trip. If you have never taken the vaccine, you need to take it up to 10 days before the trip (this time period is not necessary if you have already been vaccinated)

Be careful when swimming in the rivers, because there may be rays.
For walks in the woodland, we recommend using specific walking shoes and rubber boots, specifically boots that cover the calf, which help protecting against insect bites.Be careful when swimming in the rivers, because there may be rays.

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