Praia Grande

Itaipu Fortress Itaipu Fortress

Ancient building that offers contact with nature and tells the local military history in one tour.

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Located in a small coastal mountain in the city of Praia Grande, in the State of São Paulo, the Itaipu Fortress frames the southern shore of the Santos Bay. Two km from the downtown city, the Fort is located in a broad area of environmental preservation and has more than 100 years. During the weekends, the local offers a historical and ecological tour, held in a car 4 km inside a military reservation.

The officers’ residences are attractions of the Fort. In addition, a temple honors the patron saint of the place, Santa Barbara. A distinguished former resident of the Fortress was Edson Arantes do Nascimento, Pelé, who served as a soldier in 1959. The local houses in its perimeter the Xixova-Japuí Park, environmental preservation area of 901 acres.

On the tour, the last attraction is the Praça dos Canhões, built in the shape of a horseshoe, it keeps relics of war weapons inactive for at least 50 years.

Opening hours:
From Tuesday to Thursday, at 4 p.m.; Fridays at 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.; Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, at 10 a.m., and 2 p.m. 4 p.m.

The entrance is R$ 5 per person. People under the age of six and over 60 years do not pay.

More Info
Praia Grande City Hall


Avenida Marechal Malet I, Canto do Forte, Praia Grande, São Paulo.

The most comfortable way to go to the Fortress is by taxi. Refer to the companies that provide this type of service.

You may rent a car in downtown Praia Grande and head to the Itaipu Fortress. Refer to the route.

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