
Casario do Porto Geral de Corumbá Casario do Porto Geral de Corumbá

One of the main attraction from the region houses several buildings that show about the past of the city.

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Casario of the General Port of Corumbá, state of Mato Grosso do Sul, is one of the most popular attractions of the city. Located in the historical center, the complex covers local architecture buildings and city's history when it used to be the third largest fluvial port in Latin America.

Nowadays, these buildings are commercial establishments such as bars, handicrafts shops and advertising offices. You can also find the first ice factory in Brazil. Casario was listed in 1992 by the National Historic and Artistic Heritage Institute (Iphan).

The site hosts many social and tourism events of the city, such as St John's Bathing, traditional festivity that happens July 23 each year at night.

Opening hours:
24 hour

Free admission

Duration of the Visit
3 hours
+55 (67) 3231-2886 / 3232-7139
More Info
Casario do Porto
Official website


Rua Domingos Sahib, Porto Geral de Corumbá, Mato Grosso do Sul

For your convenience, you can visit Casario do Porto by taxi.

You can rent a car to go to Casario do Porto.

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